Monday, March 30, 2009

Getting Nervous

Dear Procrastinators,

I have five days before I start my four month long journey to Berlin. And I realized today, "SHIT, I dont have a place to stay, I dont speak any German, and I have very little money." What in the hell was I thinking. Now... I have had the last three months off, and I have accomplished very little, past making CDs for my friend's. (two CDs for the same friend.)

Do you ever look back at the last couple months, or year, or couple years and ask yourself what the hell was I doing? I largely think its alright to take a few days off or maybe even a few months off, but somehow I feel Ill be asking myself in several years, still... what have you accomplished? Now, often times I feel this way after talking to business majors, who seem to segment their life in five year increments. Such as,  "what have you done in the last five years to accomplish your long term goals", and "where do you see yourself in five years". These are not questions I ask myself..... Instead I go through life stumbling about, and drowning in the muck of decisions that I keep putting off.  Somehow though I keep surfacing just long enough to take a deep breath, regain composure and submerge myself once again into things I was not ready to take on. My main question is, Are we meant to have life planned out like business people five and ten years down the road, or,  is that what we call distant dreams. I am going to hold on to the belief that most great things that happen didn't have a sound five year plan, and formed by the forces of nature coming together. Im going to hold on to this mostly because I have a hard time telling myself what's for dinner more or less what's expected in five years. 

But... there is a word of encouragement from Samuel Beckett. In his play Waiting for Godot, Vladimir, says, "Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late!....

So I guess the thing to do in accomplishing tasks in life is to be needed. Thus I have turned to women. I figure from here on out women can need me instead of me needing women. Why should I empower other when I can empower myself. 

Either way let me know if you have ever felt extremely unprepared while starting something, and then tell me what that thing was. 

1 comment:

  1. i think this "five year goal" shit gives the creeps. how can an artist make plans five years in advance? i mean, realistically make plans. we have to live our lives by the seasons. that's what i do. i've got two costuming jobs lined up in the summer and am applying for a 6-month residency. if i get the residency this set of plans will happen and if i don't that set of plans happen...but 5 years, good golly i'd be a wreck if i had to plan that far. i had no clue 5 years ago i'd be graduating with a masters degree because 5 years ago i didn't even have a those business people can go eat a subway sandwich and go to another board meeting!
