Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Facebook is my new television

Dear Facebookers, 

So ladies and gentleman a couple of years ago I gave up television for the most part. Every now and then Ill catch a show or just turn it on for some background noise, while I eat my habitual breakfast of tea toast and OJ. And I have to admit that I like to catch "The View" every now and then. I would say that this is a guilty pleasure, but really I have no guilt in watching Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy, Sherri, and Elizabeth, talk politics and accost Ann Coulter. Thats good entertainment anyway you look at it.(I hate Ann Coulter with a passion.)  But really I would say on an average week I watch maybe 6 hrs of television. Personally, I am proud of this, because I have seen it come close to destroying the lives of people that are close to me. But, I am not shy of my own problems. 
Facebook. I like the internet. Its a source of wonderful information, great blogs, and cool videos. But Facebook will be the death of me. Often I find myself flipping through the pages of Facebook just looking at pictures of people I barely know or care about. Its not really like I am looking for anything, I find it just kills the time. This is all fine and dandy, but I don't really have the time to do such a thing, nor do I want to have the time to do such a thing. Since I believe in doing things in life in moderation, except for drinking, smoking, and sex with beautiful woman (mom I dont smoke)(my mother reads my blog), I find that I need to solve my Facebook problems somehow. Bring it to a moderate level.
 I have thought about deleting my Facebook page altogether, and let my real friends stay in contact with me. But this is harsh and a bad idea in most respects because lets face it, no one emails anymore, and although writing is great and I support it whole heartily, stamps are also somewhat expensive, and well you know, were in a recession. So Facebook stays. 
Next I started thinking to myself, that if I gave up Facebook similar to the way I gave up television, would I just turn to another mind numbing media outlet. Do we as creatures need something to zone out on and stop thinking for a bit. I believe so. As an artist I really should make my mind numbing activity be drawing. But the instant change of screens with computers and televisions seem much more interesting. I ask myself what did they do before television and Facebook. My mother tells me they played outside, but in Michigan going outside between the months of November to mid April is just out of the question, so I kind of believe my mother lied. She also told me that she used to walk uphill to school both ways barefoot in three feet worth of snow. So much for listening to your parents. 
My next thought on moderating my Facebook usage, was to get a social life, but I quickly realized that this idea was bullshit and cyclical. I rationalized that the larger my social life was the more friends I would gain on Facebook, hence the more pictures I would have posted of me and my friends. Hence the more time spent looking at meaningless things. Or I would start going to parties and meet people once and they would friend me, then, on my off night from partying I would find myself looking at more pictures of more people, I don't care about. Facebook your a MONSTER!!! But your the monster I have looked at several times since I started writing this post.
I guess I am going to have to go to my strategy of just focusing extra hard on giving it up. But I doubt this will happen. Maybe I can rationalize that Facebook is like eating, its just something that needs to happen. And besides its how I let people know about new blog postings and such. Either way its a struggle I will probably deal with for a while.

Do you or a loved one have a problem with an addiction to Facebook or other media source, If so please comment and tell me your struggles, or tell me how you have overcome your issues. 

Pretty girls who struggle with Facebook, I would suggest just hanging out with me. I rarely have a camera and rarely do interesting things in real life, so I can promise you, you'll have nothing to talk about on Facebook about. This will result in a lower social life, and less friends on Facebook. So, I have at least found a cure for cuties.


  1. How kind of you to try and help out the Facebook-plagued cuties of the world...

    I will be the first (after you, of course) to own up to my addiction to Facebook. Yes, it is a way to stay in touch with friends that live thousands of miles away, but it is also a way to delve that much further into the lives that my friends carry out. I realized the severity of my addiction when over a two day period I had communicated with my roommate more via Facebook than through face-to-face conversation. I will, however, cling to the fact that Facebook is the only internet site that I am addicted to...aside from Etsy, Steep and Cheap, Chain Love, and Backcountry.com...at least Perez Hilton hasn't made the list.

  2. Ryan, you should not be having sex with beautiful women or even ugly ones for that matter, you are too young and not married. Remember your Mother is reading this. Love, Mom

  3. And one more thing, we did go outside and play, even November through April. And, I did not walk 5 miles to school, up hill both ways, in 3 feet of snow - that was my parents - I grew up when times were good - where we rode a warm bus to school, up hill both ways in the snow.
