Monday, April 6, 2009

sign language

Dear foreign speakers,

I dont know how you do it. I came to Berlin imagining it would be a city I would be able to communicate in easily. Everyone I spoke to, said oh yes when Berliners see English speaking folks they speak english because they want to practice their English. This may be the case. But Im not speaking to the right Berliners then. And I have found I am not speaking better German at all, but I am learning. Such as how to communicate via street sign language. This involves a lot of pointing, smiling, and hoping. This is good because I have skills in all of these areas. And thus far I have managed to smile, point, and hope my way through Berlin. 
But really its not that bad. I would say more than half the people I have spoke to speak very good english and are happy to speak to me. And the other half know a little. Today was a good example of me speaking to someone who knew little. I was trying to buy a cell phone to use for the next four months. The young man behind the desk was trying his best to keep up with me, and smiled and pointed a lot, and together we got the business of my cell phone taken care of. However I had to take my passport out at one point, and hand it over to him. As he took it, he got this big grin on his face and said "oh... your from America." I said yes hesitantly, not sure what he was going to say next. But he comes out and says "TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE, Is it real?" I laughed out loud in the store, I thought out of all the cliches America is know for, I didnt know the Texas chain saw massacre movie was one of them. I was personally a little embarrassed I had never seen the movie. However things seemed to run a little more smoothly after that. Which means a lot more smiling and a little less hoping. 
But I must go look for a place to stay, Please share with me if you have any stories of any hack job sign language that you have had to do. Im sure Ill have more stories by the end of the trip. And their will be picture and descriptions of Berlin tomorrow so please tune in, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. People in Europe have the strangest conceptions of America. I met some German guys one time, and the only thing they knew in English was the song "Living in America" (which they repeated endlessly) and "see you later, alligator," which was hilarious. Enjoy it.
