Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nutella, and things Germans have that we dont.

Dear fans of things we cant have,

Germany is the land of milk and honey. Well no... more like the land of chocolate and beer, which I would choose over milk and honey any day of the week. And since I have been over here I have been indulging in some of the delicacies that the German are offering up. First Nutella. We have this in the states, but it is definitely not as popular in the US as it is over here. For those of you who don't know, Nutella is a spreadable hazelnut chocolaty snack, that you can put on pretty much anything. And don't worry mom, almost everything I have eaten in the last week I have put Nutella on. Sandwiches, fruit, toast..... well I guess thats pretty much all I have eaten this week. eek. Somehow since moving to a new country all my cooking habits have gone out the window. I have resorted to the unhealthy style of eating that freshman year of college had to offer. So much for the six pack I worked so hard for. But thats alright because now Nutella is in my life, and were very happy, although chocolate is getting on everything I own. But its something that is very tasty and, goes well with ham and peppered salami sandwiches. Dont judge. Anyway Ill let this guilty pleasure go until I get to the bottom of the jar (tomorrow), and analyze from there if this is an object that will be good for my diet. Its one of those objects thats hard not to buy because you see it in Germany pretty much anywhere you go, and is more popular than peanut butter. (which apparently they don't sell in grocery stores.) 
But even though the Germans live with out peanut butter, they are making up for it with all the foods that most of America has long since forgotten about. Such as the McRib sandwich. I have not tried it, but almost all German McDonalds sell the McRib. Which is good because they stopped selling this boneless wonder in America a few years ago. The only other place in the entire world that sells the McRib besides Germany is a select few branches in the Chicago area. (all of which surround my apartment.) So really, I kind of feel at home, which gives me a comforting thought that the link between Chicago and Germany is a mystery meat that melts in your mouth. mmmmm. 
Anyway I am going to try and stay away from McDonalds while I am in Germany, and stick my health regiment of chocolate and beer. And hopefully I can stay fit like the Germans. But let me know if you have ever eaten  Nutella and how you kept yourself from over endulging. And then also let me know if you think the McRib should make a comeback to America.
Im posting a few more pictures of Berlin at night so check out the link to my pictures on the right hand side.


  1. Chicago's not the only place in America where you can get the McRib. They bring it back every year or so for a couple weeks. It's the best marketing strategy ever, because when you can only get it for like 3 weeks out of the year, you're gonna go to McDonald's every day during that time to devour one. Trust me. I know.

  2. The first time i had Nutella was in Paris on a crape with bananas(which is amazing and if you haven't found this combination you are a fool) and it is amazing. So go grab a banana and dip it into that Nutella jar that is sitting right next to your computer.(i know this b/c that's where i keep mine)

  3. Well. I am glad you have converted. I prefer Nutella sandwiches made as follows: cookie (some buttery wafery good thing), a section of a chocolate bar and Nutella between the cookies and chocolate to hold it all together.

    It is wonderful.
